Tech For Troops gifts free refurbished computers to in need veterans and their families, enabling them to connect with employers and develop essential computer skills. We hire veterans and provide technical training, keep usable computers out of the landfill, and recycle electronics in an environmentally sustainable way.


Project Abstract
Tech For Troops Project collects and refurbishes used computers from individuals and businesses, and donates them to veterans for free, for those who attend our training program. Any donated equipment that we can’t reuse is put back into circulation through resale or recycled responsibly. Proceeds from recycling and reselling help to fund our mission. For veterans interested in a computer career, we offer free training, internships, and introductions to potential employers.
Target Population
Veterans of all ages, disabilities or needs. Our donations to individuals and multiple vet-centric organizations have helped hundreds if not thousands of veterans in central Virginia and across the nation.
Contact Information & Map
Tech For Troops
Attn: Mark Casper
(contact for street address)
Richmond, VA 23230
United States

Phone: (804) 241-3169

Equipment Needed
PC Desktop System
PC Laptop System
Mac Desktop System
Mac Laptop System
PC CPU (Partial System)
Hard Disk Drive
Switch or Router
Network Interface Card
Software Item
Sound Card
Video Card
Miscellaneous Item